Hendrix, American kestrel Hendrix, American kestrel Volunteer to help us with Hendrix! Company First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Contact Number * Alternate Contact Number * Full Mailing Address * Include City, State and Zip code Date of Birth * Social Security Number (needed if you are interested in giving school programs): Emergency Contact(s) Name(s) * Emergency Contact(s) phone number * Highest level of education completed: * Positions - What type of work interests you? Leave blank those of no interest. Construction & Maintenance Painting & wood preservation Grant Writing Bird Food preparation Editing & Writing Meet and Greet presentations School & Community programs Special Events (fundraisers) Availability (please check the times you are able to volunteer): * Mornings (9 am - 1 pm) Afternoons (1pm - 5 pm) Evenings (after 5 pm) Do you have other volunteer experience? If so please tell us about it. List other organizations you are affilited with: What leasure activites do you enjoy? Your Occupation: * Employer: * Please list any misdemeanor or felony convictions and or felony arrests (other than routine traffic violations) you have had as an adult. * Our education volunteers often deal with the public, including many school children, so volunteers wishing to work in these types of positions will be subject to a criminal background check. Approval and commencement of Volunteer activities may not begin until a background investigation is satisfactorily completed. * I agree By checking this box you acknowlege you have read this statement By checking this box I am signing this form electronically and I certify that all answers and statements on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that my application and the information herein is, or may be, subject to an appropriate background investigation, and furthermore, I understand that should an investigation disclose untruthful or misleading information, my application may be rejected, my name removed from consideration, or my volunteer activities with Black Hills Raptor Center terminated. * I agree I am signing this form electronically Date Signed * Information Summary