Are you a bird lover? Would you like to help? Consider adopting one of our raptor ambassadors for a year.
This is a great idea for kids, families, scout groups, businesses, classroom outreach/community service projects, birthday gifts, the holidays or wherever your imagination takes you!
Choose from:
• Ike, a Peregrine Falcon – the fastest creature on earth
• Soren, a Barn Owl – who brings a much-needed smile to everyone he meets
• Freya, a Red-tailed Hawk – the majestic queen of the Center
• Joplin, an American Kestrel – who makes her namesake Janis more than memorable.
Your donation provides:
* A specialized diet
* A healthy home in our mews
* Enrichment activities for the birds
* Medical care
* Enhances and expands our educational programs
* Travel expenses
Save The Date!
Save the date for Owl-o-Ween!
Our annual Owl-o-Ween fundraiser is creeeping up! Mark your calendars for Saturday, Oct. 26 for an afternoon of fall family fun! This is your chance to come visit the Black Hills Raptor Center. Bring your family, wear your Halloween costumes, and come hang out with the raptors and take part in fall activities.
Our mission is to conserve and protect native birds of prey and their natural habitats through education, rehabilitation, and research.
Watch an educational program with
Black Hills Raptor Center.
About Black Hills Raptor Center
Who We Are:
The Black Hills Raptor Center is an all volunteer group, managed by an 8 person board of directors. We are a not-for-profit organization with a 501 (c) 3 status from the Internal Revenue Service…
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Black Hills Raptor Center is to conserve and protect native birds of prey and their natural habitats through education, rehabilitation, and research.
What We Do:
The Black Hills Raptor Center provides 125-150 educational programs annually using live raptors. We present in classrooms, at youth programs, in the community, and for special events…
We Have the Power to Impact Our Future,
and We’re Doing Something About It
Building a Dream
The idea of developing BHRC (Black Hills Raptor Center) began on September 2010. That is when John Halverson and Maggie Engler set about the task of reducing “nature deficit disorder” in their corner of the world…
Our Current Events
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Help Us Help The Raptors
Black Hills Raptor Center relies on contributions from donors to continue our work. Be part of the solution to nature deficit disorder in this region. Donate today!
Please Make a Donation
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